Annual Surveys
Headline news from Questionnaires
Thank you to the parents who completed the questionnaires.
- All new parents are very positive about the school
- 100% of parents agree or strongly agree that the school is friendly and welcoming
- 94% agree or strongly agree that the resources and accommodation are good
- 94% agree or strongly agree that the school helps their children with their learning
- 80% agree or strongly agree that the school listens to concerns or suggestions
- 98% agree or strongly agree that their child is encouraged to work hard and do their best
- 98% agree or strongly agree that the teaching is good at Mount Street
Next steps:
The school is working on homework provision and providing more opportunities to engage parents with their children’s learning.
Pupil questionnaire
- The majority of children think that Mount Street is a good school which helps them to learn
- The majority of children enjoy school
- The majority of children strongly agree that they have friends at school
- Most of the children are absorbed in their learning and are able to stick with their learning when they find it hard.
- The majority of children strongly agree that they are taught well
- 100% of children agree or strongly agree that they have lots of different things to do at school
- The majority of children enjoy how lunchtimes are organised
Next steps:
Developing resilience and attitude to homework