At Mount Street our approach to assessment puts assessment for learning at the centre of the learning process. Children are assessed against the key knowledge, skills and understanding appropriate for their age as set out in the Primary Curriculum 2014. We identify the knowledge that pupils are secure in by the end of each assessment cycle- for history, geography and science this relates to the key knowledge on the knowledge organisers. In time, knowledge organisers will be developed with our LAT colleagues for all curriculum areas. In Maths this relates to start of unit and end of unit assessments which are undertaken to determine pupils starting points and progress.
To support teachers ability to make judgements on their pupils depth of understanding, and the effectiveness of their teaching, our assessment framework has been heavily influenced by the work of Martin Robinson and his theory of Trivium. The influence of this theory varies according to the national curriculum subject being assessed. Using Trivium as a guide, staff work within a framework to formatively assess whether a pupil can:
- Recall knowledge with confidence about chronology, theory, factual details and linked vocabulary.
- Explore and question knowledge forming their own rounded opinion, schema and insight, linking theory and opinion to differing contexts.
- Share and communicate knowledge to others.
Over the academic year there are 3 key assessment points in our assessment cycle, apart from in phonics where assessments are undertaken half termly or as required. Progress essentially is measured against the knowledge gained and the gaps closed.
Most of our assessment is on-going daily assessment that involves teachers questioning pupils, retrieval practice and giving feedback to children that relates to what they have achieved and areas they need to improve on. Pupil conferencing is a key component of this. Feedback is carried out in line with the Marking and Feedback policy.
Baseline assessments are undertaken in Reception during the first few weeks of the Autumn Term ( or when a pupil joins the school if this is outside of that period in Reception).
NFER reading and maths tests are administered towards the end of the Autumn term and thereafter termly, with gaps analysis undertaken to identify areas to focus on and next steps. Writing is moderated both internally and externally at least termly.
SATs are administered at the end of KS2, with pupils attainment benchmarked against national standards.
Parents/ carers receive an annual written report on their child/ children's progress and parent teacher meetings are held termly.
Pupil progress meetings take place every term between class teachers and members of the Senior Leadership Team. These consider how the children are performing in relation to their age related expectations, identify suitable interventions to support pupils who are or may be in danger of falling behind are also identified. Similarity, children that are exceeding age related expectations are discussed and extension work put in place as appropriate.
Interventions have a baseline assessment and an end assessment.