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Mount Street

Primary and Nursery School

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Foundation Stage

Welcome to the Foundation Stage at Mount Street!


At Mount Street Primary School and Nursery we aim to provide a learning environment which gives the children many varied opportunities, to help them to learn and develop to the best of their ability.  We are a fully integrated unit which provides for children aged 2-5 years, through a play based curriculum allowing children to develop at their own rate and in their own way.


The Adults of the Foundation Team


Mrs Travers                                                                         Miss Smith           

Nursery Teacher                                                                Reception Teacher



Miss Matthews                                                                   Miss Selina

Nursery Teacher                                                               Reception Teaching Assistant


Mrs Norrish                                                                         Mrs Collins                    

Nursery Teaching Assistant                                           Nursery Teaching Assistant 


Miss Friend                                                                         Miss Shillingford

Me2 Teaching Assistant                                                 Me2 Teaching Assistant


Miss Huggins                                                                    Mrs Farrell

Apprentice Teaching Assistant                                   Apprentice Teaching Assisstant


The children of the foundation team

The Children of the foundation team are aged 2 to 5 years old.   They are organised into three classes for carpet and learning time; Me2, Nursery and Reception Class. They enjoy learning in their classes and then taking their learning into their play.  They have opportunities to take part in a range of adult directed and child initiated activities.  Visit the class pages (links above) to find out more about what the children are learning.


Daily routines

In Reception Class we start school at 8.35 am and finish school at 3.15 pm.


In Nursery and Me2 class the morning session begins at 8.35am and finish at 11.35am.  

The afternoon session begins at 12.15pm and finish at 3.15pm. 

Some of us like to stay for lunch club, we get to eat with our friends and have the opportunity for further play and exploration.


Please come into the office or come and see Mrs Travers if you want to know more about attending nursery, joining us for lunch time sessions, or extended hours.



Come and see!.mp4

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This is us!

Still image for this video
Please take the time to watch a short video sharing some of the play and learning opportunities that take place in the Foundation Stage at Mount Street Primary School and Nursery.


All children in our Me2, Nursery and Reception class have a Dojo account. This is a secure account that will be used to communicate between home and school.  We may post photo's of activities your children have been taking part in whilst at nursery/school,  send a message about exciting opportunities for your child, send a reminder message or even set challenges for your child to take part in at home.  Please make sure you keep an eye on your child's Dojo account so that they don't miss out on anything.



Phonics in the Early Years
