Your Questions
What is a normal school day?
The school day is from 8.45am (8.50am in the classroom) to 3.10pm.
There are two break times and a snack and drink is provided by the school. The cost is £1 each week.
Foundation Stage
The morning Nursery session is 8:45 am – 11:45 am. 
The afternoon Nursery session is 12:15 pm – 3:15 pm.
Parents are able to access additional hours and lunch sessions. Please ask one of the administration team for more details and costs.
Please note if you arrive more than 15 minutes late for either Nursery session you must come through the main school gate.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) children will learn through structured play and focussed adult led teaching. They will spend time learning outside as well as inside the classroom.
Years 1 to 6
All the children are registered at the beginning of the morning and afternoon sessions. Every child will do a literacy and numeracy lesson every day. The other subjects are taught throughout the week although not all subjects will be taught every week.
Will my child get home learning?
Home learning is an important way of developing the partnership between home and school. You will be made aware of the amount of home learning your child will receive and on what days at our special “Meet the Teacher” meetings. The amount of home learning your child receives will increase as they get older but we don't believe in giving too much, as they have already completed a whole day of learning before they get home. You can read more if you go into Learning and onto the relevant year group and “learning at home."
How do you deal with bullying?
Bullying, of any sort, is not tolerated at Mount Street Primary. We have a clear definition of bullying that is understood by the children and a formal policy. Children are always taught not to accept bullying and to report any incidents to an adult immediately. All the children are very aware of the consequences of bullying behaviour. We work together with parents to ensure Mount Street is a bully-free school.
What happens at lunchtime?
Children can either have a hot school meal or bring their own lunch.
If you think you are entitled to free school meals you will need to complete the form and provide evidence as included on the form.
If your child has a packed lunch please don't provide fizzy drinks, water is best, and please ensure their lunch is a healthy, balanced one.
All the children have an opportunity to play outside at lunchtime and they are provided with a variety of game. If it is raining, snowing or particularly cold the children will be brought in to play in classrooms. Reception children always play in their own area.
How do I Pay for School Lunches, Uniform, Snacks and Trips?
We operate a cashless system. You can pay for everything on-line. Paying on line is simple, all you need to do is give us your email address and we will send you a password.
Alternatively you can pay at the Post Office. Just pop in and see a member of the office staff who will provide you with a bar code to take with you.