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Year 1

Year 1 @ Mount Street Primary




Welcome to Summer Term in Year 1



In Maths we will be continuing our learning using numbers from 0-50 with a focus on multiplication and division. We then will progress onto beginning to look at halves and quarters. After half term we will look at position and direction before continue our learning on numbers and progressing onto number to 100. Before finishing the term by looking at time.



In English we will be start the term by looking at riddles. Then we will move onto information texts. We will write an information text all about Year 1 to share with Reception class. Finally we will write our own rags to riches stories.



In Geography we will be learning about continents and oceans. We will also look at hot and cold countries, including Australia and Iceland.



In science, we will looking at the four seasons and how things change between the season with a focus on going from Spring to Summer. After half term we will be looking at plants. Investigating what plants need to survive and grow. Focusing on how different conditions may affect the plants growth.



In DT, we will be research, designing and making our own moving picture. We will explore some existing moving pictures from our favourite stories before practising the different mechanism we may need to use in our own moving picture.



In art, we will be focusing on the natural world. We will make drawings and prints of leaves.



In computing, we will be learning all about online safety including how to be kind to others.



In RE, the first half term we will focus Christianity and what Christians believe about how the world was created. We learn about the Christianity creation story and consider why they believe it is important to look after the world and each other. After half term we will continue to focus on the importance of caring for one another and the world and learn about why other religions believe it is important to care for others and the world.



For the first half of term we will focus on relationships as well as mental health and appreciation and respect and after half term, we will focus on how our bodies are changing and identifying features of our bodies.


P.E. will be on Monday and Tuesday. Depending on the weather this could be indoors or outdoors so please bring a full PE kit (including trainers/daps). 



Useful Information 

Home learning

Reading – 10 minutes reading daily. We ask that an adult signs the reading diary and it is handed in at least once per week. This is a whole school focus this year!


Games and PE

Children will need their PE kit in school all week as children  MUST have P.E. kit to take part for health and safety reasons.


Kit:        Trainers, white shirt, blue/black shorts, football/trainer socks.

In colder weather, a plain tracksuit may be worn outdoors for games.


Please ensure that all items of clothing are named. A small named bag containing your PE kit is all that is necessary as cloakroom space is limited.  Please keep your PE kit in school and we will ensure that it is sent home each half term for washing.


As so many of us are spending more and more time online, it is important that the children have a secure knowledge of how to be safe.  We will discuss various issues regarding this each week.  If your child or yourself have any questions linked to their online world, then please do not hesitate to get in touch or have a look at some of the links below.

Useful Links
