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Year 1

Year 1 @ Mount Street Primary




Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 1




This term we will continue to develop our fantastic phonics and reading skills. Reading continues to be a  priority our school and so we will practise reading every day so that we become fluent, confident readers. We will  have the opportunity to visit the library in school and in the city - to explore reading books for pleasure!  Stories take us all over this world and into other worlds too! We are enjoying exploring new books, stories and poems.   


At the start of this term, all children will continue to advance their phonic skills through our Read Write Inc program. 



In writing, we will learn how to become superstar writers by using our Superhero writing to create superb sentences based on a range of Julia Donaldson stories. Later in the term we will start to look at writing for a variety of purposes. First we will focus on a recount (non-fiction) before moving onto writing our own Poems and stories.


This term we will also continue to develop our writing skills by working our letter formation to try and make our writing as neat as we can!




In Maths we will be learning all about our numbers from 0-20 and consolidation our knowledge of numbers. Then after half term we will begin to use these numbers to learn about addition and subtraction. After this we will begin to look at 2d shapes and their properties.


Using the Maths Mastery scheme daily, we will begin to secure our understanding of place value and use a variety of apparatus, mental maths strategies. We will also broaden our understanding of addition and subtraction and a variety of apparatus will be available to support the children with their learning. 




In Science, we will learn about plants and growth. We will look at the basic structure of a seed and learn how they germinate before moving onto learning about the basic needs that animals have to stay alive. In the second half term we will be learning all about the different seasons that we experience throughout the year.


This term we will be exploring mark making and thinking about how we can use colour. Our work this term will be inspired by Paul Klee and other amazing artists.


In DT, we will be research, designing and making our own fruit salad and learning about why a balanced diet is important and how we can achieve a balanced diet.


In Computing, we will continue learning about safety. We will think about how to use a computer safely and effectively, we will be developing our mouse and keyboard skills.


This term's geography will learning all about maps. We will learn about scale, direction and think about different maps in terms of their locality before having a go at creating our own maps!


In our Music lessons, we will be learning about pulse, pitch and rhythm using our bodies, voices and some instruments to do so. Later on in the term we will be learning about orchestras and what it means to be part of and play in an orchestra.


In PE, we will develop our fundamental skills of moving our bodies in different ways around a range of apparatus. In gymnastics we will be using our bodies to roll and create shapes before learning how to link these together to create simple sequences. At the start and end of each PE session we will also be completing our 'daily mile' to ensure the children have both healthy, happy minds to help them learn better and have more positive attitudes towards learning. 


For the first half of term we will focus on 'Being me in my world', thinking about our rights and responsibilities.  After half term, we will focus on differences between ourselves and our peers whilst also thinking about choices and how to make the right choices in different scenarios. 


In RE, we will begin by thinking about How different groups of people show they belong before focusing on the Christian celebration of Christmas before we break up for our Winter holidays. 


Home learning

Reading – 10 minutes reading daily. We ask that an adult signs the reading diary and it is brought into school every day.  The children will bring home Read Write Inc books that match their phonics group and reading levels. They will be able to decode these independently to you. We encourage them to read the same RWI book 3 times - by the final read their confidence and expression! 


Numbots - an exciting way for your child to practice their maths skills daily at home. I Can't wait to see your child's weekly score! I have set 10 minute targets weekly. 


Games and PE

Children will need their PE kit in school all week as children  MUST have P.E. kit to take part for health and safety reasons.  Lessons are Mondays and Friday. 


Kit:        Trainers, white shirt, blue/black shorts, football/trainer socks.

In colder weather, a plain tracksuit may be worn outdoors for games.


Please ensure that all items of clothing are named. A small named bag containing your PE kit is all that is necessary as cloakroom space is limited.  Please keep your PE kit in school and we will ensure that it is sent home each half term for washing.


Useful Information 

Home learning

Reading – 10 minutes reading daily. We ask that an adult signs the reading diary and it is handed in at least once per week. This is a whole school focus this year!


Games and PE

Children will need their PE kit in school all week as children  MUST have P.E. kit to take part for health and safety reasons.


Kit:        Trainers, white shirt, blue/black shorts, football/trainer socks.

In colder weather, a plain tracksuit may be worn outdoors for games.


Please ensure that all items of clothing are named. A small named bag containing your PE kit is all that is necessary as cloakroom space is limited.  Please keep your PE kit in school and we will ensure that it is sent home each half term for washing.


As so many of us are spending more and more time online, it is important that the children have a secure knowledge of how to be safe.  We will discuss various issues regarding this each week.  If your child or yourself have any questions linked to their online world, then please do not hesitate to get in touch or have a look at some of the links below.

Useful Links
