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Mount Street

Primary and Nursery School

Learn, Enjoy, Achieve your Personal best

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School Clubs

We are pleased to offer the following school clubs this Autumn Term. 

If your child would like to attend a club, please speak with the school office as places are still available.




Paid for Out of School Clubs


Breakfast Club


 Our breakfast club runs from 8 a.m. to 8:45 am each weekday morning during term time.  Each morning there is a choice of breakfast and a variety of activities.  

Our staff work in school and the children know them well.  Needless to say they are all DBS checked and certified for first aid and food hygiene.  T


We believe our prices are very competitive and want to offer you an affordable solution.  To do this we run to a very tight budget and your co-operation in pre-booking is essential.


Please look at the documentation below or pop into school reception to request a pack.


Peace of mind for you; FUN for your child.


After School Club


 With a low uptake we decided to close our after school club provision in March 2022. We are currently reviewing our options for paid for after school provision. 
