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Mount Street

Primary and Nursery School

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Spring Term

Welcome to the Spring term! This term, the children in Me2 and Nursery will build on the skills and knowledge they acquired during the Autumn Term. The theme for Spring 1 is 'On the Move.' The children will have the opportunity to learn about different modes of transport, construct vehicles and houses using bricks and junk modelling, discuss familiar routes, and create maps. They will also listen to a variety of stories and explore how characters feel in those stories.  


In Spring 2, the theme will be 'On the Farm.' The children will have the opportunity to learn about caring for animals and our environment. They will plant a bean, explore the life cycle of a plant, and learn about animals and their young.


The children will continue to develop their mathematical knowledge through exploring pattern, subitising, exploring positional language and deepening their understanding of the cardinal principle.


We will regularly update the Dojo class page and Facebook with photos of the children’s learning, so please keep an eye out to see what your child has been learning each week.



The Three Little Pigs

Jack and The Bean Stalk | Fairy Tales
