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Mount Street

Primary and Nursery School

Learn, Enjoy, Achieve your Personal best

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Times of the school day


Breakfast club from 7:50 am until 8:35 am


Classroom doors open at 8:35am 


 8:45am - 3:15pm ( 6 hours and 30 minutes, including morning break and lunch break)


After school clubs 3:15pm-4:00/ 4:15 pm depending on the club





Absence during term time


The Government does not allow the Head Teacher to authorise absence during term time, including for taking holiday, other than in exceptional circumstances.  Two examples of exceptional circumstances are illness (see "My child is ill") and religious observance.


BEFORE taking your child out of school for ANY reason other than illness, you MUST have the absence authorised by the Head Teacher.


What do I do?
Please complete a “Request for Absence during Term Time” form (see below).  This should be completed in a timely way as the Head Teacher may require further information or evidence before being able to authorise exceptional circumstances.


What happens if I take my child out of school without authorisation?
This will depend on patterns of absence and lateness, and the amount of time taken.  However, all absences of this nature will be dealt with in line with our Trust admission policy.   Actions include a warning through to a fine.  Please note that the fine is per parent and per child, hence a family of three children and two parents with “Parental Responsibility” could be fined the basic sum multiplied by six.


If you wish for further detail, we attach a summary of the legislation which explains the sorts of reasons for which leave can no longer be allowed, the importance of good attendance and the consequences of unauthorized absence.
