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Obama Class -Year 6

Year 6 @ Mount Street Primary School

Welcome to the Autumn Term 

Welcome to Year 6!  We hope that you will enjoy your final year at Mount Street.  Our aim this year is to prepare you for your transition to secondary school as well as for SATS, which commence on 12th May 2025 - a meeting will be held in the Spring term to tell you more about this. That’s a long way off so, until then, buckle up for an exciting year!


Mrs Blatchford, Mrs Hibbert and Mrs Lovejoy 




This term, we will be continuing to develop our love of reading and our author focus will be on Emma  Carroll's book entitled ' Letters from the Lighthouse'. Olive and her brother have been evacuated to Devon, but her older sister Sukie is still missing from the night of the bombs. A mysterious note found in the coat of her sister suggests that Sukie was involved in something dangerous, but Olive can't make the pieces fit together.


We will be writing a flashback story, and instruction text and creating blackout poetry as well as writing letters as refugees.  In addition, we will be focusing weekly on specific grammar and punctuation features to improve our understanding.


We will start the year with a focus on numbers and place value to 10 million.  We will then turn our attention to the four operations (+-x /) before jumping into our first round of fractions followed by geometry (position and direction.)


We have a split term of history initially looking at who the Ancient Egyptians were, who ruled them, their beliefs and what they achieved before turning our attention to World War 11, the lead up to it, its effect of Plymouth, D Day and VE Day.



We will focus on how the world is adapting to climate change, how to mitigate its effects, the problems caused by plastic and how we can improve the environment on both a national and local scale.



We are starting a new DT syllabus this term and we will be creating our own hats!



We start by studying electricity focusing on circuits and how to build them as well as diagnose faults.  After half term, we will turn our attention to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution as we explore evolution  and adaptation.



During the first half of term we will learn the Charleston in dance and focus on hockey outdoors. We will then turn our attention to gymnastics and tag rugby.


Religion and World Views

This term we will explore why the resurrection is significant for Christians.  Linked to our Science topic, we will then examine whether religion and science are in conflict.



We will be looking at art in the environment and using recycled materials.



For the first half of term, we will be learning about Bletchley Park and the history of computers. After half term, we will start exploring AI.



We will recap the verbs 'etre' and 'avoir' - the verbs to be and to have, before learning to tell the time in French.  We will then explore daily routines before learning about French Christmas traditions.



Excitingly, we are going to be the first in Mount Street to learn how to play the saxophone with Mr Norman!!

Useful information:

Home learning: This will be set at the following times:

Maths handed out on Monday to be handed in on Friday.

English: handed out on Wednesday to be handed in on Tuesday.

Reading – 20 minutes reading daily. Reading books and diaries need to be in school each day.We ask that an adult signs the reading diary at least once per week - we will check them on a Friday.


 Pupils are able to complete quizzes at home for AR at the following website: The children know their logins and so should be able to access this from home. 


Spellings:  Set on a Monday ready for a Friday spelling test.


Games and PE.

Children will need their PE kit in school all week however, our two allocated hall slots are Thursday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor). 

Kit:         Trainers, white shirt, blue or black shorts, football socks.

In colder weather, a plain tracksuit should be worn outdoors for games.


All items need to be clearly named. A small named bag containing your PE kit is all that is necessary, as cloakroom space is limited.  


For health and safety, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that if they are wearing stud earrings in school they are removed or they have taped them for each session.

Reading for pleasure:  Remember that you can complete Accelerated Reader quizzes at home if you don't have time to do it in school.  Use this link: Welcome to Renaissance Place (

Useful Links





Here are some great maths resources - for young and old!


What is long multiplication?

We explain what the long multiplication method is and review how multiplication skills are built up through each year of primary school.


What is long division?

The long division method is used when you are dividing a large number (usually three digits or more) by a two-digit (or more) number.


Order of Operations

Use knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations and explore the order of operations using brackets.


Expanded Addition Using Place Value Counters

A step towards a more formal written method of columnar addition using place value counters.


Column Subtraction Using Place Value Counters - Tablet Version

A good starting place for teaching column subtraction. Helps children to visualise the processes involved.

Maths Calendar
