Reception Class
Hello everybody and welcome to the second half of the Summer Term in Reception class. This term the children will be reading the well-known book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and exploring our theme of Minibeasts, whilst also learning about different life cycles. We are lucky enough to have our very own class set of caterpillars which we will watch grow and turn into butterflies before setting them free when they have completed their life cycle. We will also read a range of non-fiction books about life cycles and minibeasts. The children will continue to learn more sounds (phonics) to help them read and will bring more books home to read and share. In Maths we will be continuing to focus on the number 20 and finding out how to make pictures by manipulating a range of 2D shapes. The children will continue to have the chance to participate in exciting Forest School activities such as minibeast hunting and creating bug habitats in our large outdoor area - don't forget your wellies!
Please keep checking your child's Dojo account for any messages that we might send you about the learning taking place in school.
We look forward to continuing our exciting learning adventure in Reception Class, watching your children grow and develop during their time with us.
Miss Knox and Mrs Travers
Parent Notices:
- If you have not already activated your Dojo account, please do so as soon as possible! Dojo is a great way to communicate with your teacher and find out what is happening in school. In addition, home learning challenges may be posted on Dojo to encourage and extend your child's learning at home. If you need assistance, please ask on the gate or phone us at the front office.
- Remember to send a pair of labelled wellies with your child for Forest School on Wednesday. If you have any old wellies that don't fit anymore we will happily take donations for children who forget theirs or do not have any!
- If you choose to opt out of Religious Education, please send in an activity for your child to complete in its place. This can be related to literacy, maths, or another topic to enrich your child's learning experience.
- Remember to read with your child each night and sign the yellow Reading Record when we start to send books home.
Reading with your child at home is so important in their early stages of development. We ask that children bring in their yellow books and reading books on the dates stated in their reading record.