Lunch Menus
Here is the current Menu (April 2022 to October 2022) which you can also download below.
All pupils in Year Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to “Universal Free School Meals”
In order to qualify you MUST complete the “Free School Meals Application Form” and give this to the receptionist at the school office or return by email to:
Parents of pupils entitled to Free School Meals in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are also required to complete the same form, tick the relevant boxes and provide the evidence as described on the back of the form.
10 Top Tips for Healthy Lunchboxes
- Make Sandwiches with thickly sliced bread or choose roll or mini pitta breads.
- Go for wholegrain or wholemeal where you can.
- Cut down on the amount of butter, margarine or mayonnaise you use.
- Pick low-fat sandwich fillings such as lean meats including ham, turkey, fish (e.g. tuna) cottage cheese, Edam, mozzarella, or sliced banana.
- As well as fresh fruit such as apples and bananas, include a handful of grapes, chopped fresh fruit salad or melon pieces, or a small box of raisins.
- Rather than drinks that are very high in sugar, such as fizzy colas or ‘juice drinks’ go for unsweetened fruit juice, water, flavoured water, flavoured milk and yoghurt drinks.
- Cut down on crisps, which are high in fat and choose plain popcorn, breadsticks, and dried mixed fruit instead.
- Replace cakes, chocolates and biscuits with scones, currant buns and fruit bread.
- Don’t forget to include some vegetables, such as cherry tomatoes, sticks of carrot, cucumber, celery and peppers.
- Remember to put some salad in sandwiches. Once a week, why not try a colourful mixed salad instead of a sandwich.
Try to vary what you put into lunch-boxes (variety is very important) and get your child involved in making their lunch-time meals.
Here are some great web-sites with more practical ideas for interesting and healthy lunch-boxes: