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Mount Street

Primary and Nursery School

Learn, Enjoy, Achieve your Personal best

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School Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


Values and Ethos


We strive to:


  • make learning engaging, challenging and fun
  • promote curiosity, enthusiasm, resilience and independence
  • inspire all generations to have a passion for learning
  • respect  all cultures
  • encourage all to have high self-esteem, self-confidence and self-discipline so that everyone develops to their best and takes responsibility for their actions; understanding their role in our community and the world they share with everybody.

These values are core to our approach and underpin everything we do.  They guide our behaviour and every one is encouraged to follow these ‘Golden Rules’:


Be Kind & helpful

Be gentle

Be a powerful learner

Be an active listener

Look after property

Be honest


At Mount Street we learn about values as part of our curriculum and assembly cycle. We also celebrate when people are showing values in action - by sharing them in celebration assembly, giving them Dojo points or by recording them in the ‘golden book.’
