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Mount Street

Primary and Nursery School

Learn, Enjoy, Achieve your Personal best

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Meeting Needs and Accessibility

Our Vision


At Mount Street Primary School we welcome all children including those who may be identified as having Additional Needs including Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) as well as those who have English has an additional language.  We have high expectations for all our pupils and will ensure that all children make progress in their academic learning as well as their social and emotional development.

We believe that all children should be equally valued in school.  We strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe.


Additional Needs


At Mount Street Primary School we have a number of pupils who have additional needs. These may include:


  • Learning
  • Behavioural
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Speech and Language
  • Communication and Interaction (including ASD)
  • Physical, Sensory and Medical needs
  • English as an additional language
  • Asylum seekers


At Mount Street we have dedicated, experienced and well trained staff that provide support and guidance for these children with additional needs.

The support we provide to these pupils is coordinated by our Inclusion Coordinator.  She liaises with all members of staff, parents, PSA and a range of agencies including; Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language, Communication Interaction Team, medical professionals, CAMHS, learning mentors and various therapists and counsellors.


Monitoring Children’s Progress


At Mount Street we strive to provide outstanding teaching and learning for all of our children no matter of their needs.


If it is felt that progress is not being made, steps are taken to put a support plan in place which may include intervention groups, individual support and short term targets. This is extra to the Good Quality Teaching that is already taking place within the classroom.


If after sustained and purposeful interventions a child is still not making the desired progress, a referral will be made to the relevant agency.


The children’s progress will be monitored on a termly basis through their Individual Educational Plan and teacher assessments. If the child’s needs become persistent and learning difficulties becomes significant, the school with the support of both parents and agencies involved may decide to submit a report to the Local Authority requesting that the child undergo a statutory assessment of his or her additional needs.


The purpose of this assessment is to decide if the child would benefit from further individual support through a provision of special educational needs.
