French is taught to all Key Stage 2 pupils as part of the school curriculum. We believe that learning a language encourages children to be curious and deepen their understanding of the world.
This school includes a large number of children from a range of cultures with first languages other than English. This is a situation to be celebrated and used to widen the horizons of all our pupils.
Our curriculum ensures that all pupils:
- Understand and can respond to spoken and written language
- Speak with confidence, fluency and can communicate through discussion and asking and answering questions.
- Pronounce words accurately
- Can write at different levels for a purpose
- Discover and develop an enthusiasm for language
At Mount Street Primary School, we then develop the children's conceptual knowledge and understanding through 'Big Ideas' which develop both in depth and knowledge as the children progress through the school.
We follow the National Curriculum 2014 and the Framework for Languages. See the link
below for more information:
Children are taught to:
- Listen and respond
- Explore patterns and sounds through songs and rhymes
- Engage in conversations; asking and answering questions and give opinions
- Speak in sentences
- Develop correct pronunciation
- Understand basic grammar
- Work in pairs and groups, and communicate in the other language
- Understand life in another culture
- Memorise words and phrases
- Develop a range of vocabulary
- Read and understand text
They do this through games, rhymes, songs and role play.
We use iLanguages to support our Modern Foreign Languages provision.