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Primary and Nursery School

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Autumn Maths Sessions

Attention all Parents...


Confusing those bar models with those Venn diagrams?

Fractions frustrating you?

Baffled with the 'bus-stop' method?


If you would like to... 

*Brush up on your maths knowledge and confidence in the areas of...Number, Calculations, Fractions, Measures, Geometry & Statistics 

*Learn 'current' modern-day terminology and vocabulary 

*Explore the 'tools' and resources that children use in maths lessons 

*Explore the range of calculation methods your children are using in school 

*Learn real-life maths links and applications 

*... and of course, how you can support you child at home


Why not join up with 'On Course South-West'?  Here at Mount Street, we would like to offer Parent / Carer workshops covering all aspects of your child's Maths journey through primary school. As part of the Government's 'Multiply' project, we can offer weekly FREE sessions, entitled 'Bag of Number', led by an experienced Primary school teacher working for ‘On Course South-West'. 


There will be four of these 2 hourly sessions, with the dates & timings to be arranged, ideally from September 2023, depending on the interest shown.


Those who attend will receive a bag of maths goodies to support your children on their maths journey through school and lots of information to build your confidence to support your children with maths at home.


If you would be interested in taking part in these sessions, please let the school office know via email:
