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British Art Show 9

During Activity Week 2022, Year 5 and 6 visited The Box to explore the latest art exhibition -British Art Show 9. This is a landmark touring exhibition that celebrates the vitality of recent art made in Britain.  The show explores three overarching themes – healing, care and reparative history; tactics for togetherness; and imagining new futures. 

During the visit, we looked at and questioned the art.  We thought about what we liked, disliked, what was strange and what was funny.  Adam (from The Box)  explained that this was new art, art that that was still being critiqued by the art community. We all had different opinions and each of us had a favourite piece.

When we returned to school, we created our own art, drawing on inspiration from the artists and their works and linking our ideas to our Environmental Study on Ocean Plastic Pollution. 
