Further details for September
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Further to my letter last week I am writing today to confirm staffing details with you for the year ahead. Although it has not been possible to meet the new teacher this term we are hoping that, restrictions allowing, we can offer an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher on Wednesday 8th September between 3:15-3:45. More details about this will be sent out nearer the time.
We are delighted to welcome some new teachers to our team. Mr Ratsey has been working with our Year 2 class recently so will be known to those of you with children in Year 2 and Miss Clement is joining us from Mount Wise Primary.
The classes for September will be as follows:
Nursery: Mrs Travers (with Miss Bennett in the ME2 area of the Nursery)
Reception: Mrs Lovejoy (From the last week of the Autumn Term Miss Knox will be returning to school)
Year 1: Mr Ratsey
Year 2: Mrs Kelly
Year 3: Miss Crowther
Year 4: Miss Price
Year 5: Mrs Foster and, every Friday, Miss Clement
Year 6: Mrs Hibbert
SENCO: Mrs Organ. In addition to her SENCO role at Mount Street, an amazing opportunity has arisen for Mrs Organ to be seconded to another school within the LAT for a few days each week during this academic year. Mrs Organ will be with us at the end of each week and Salisbury Road at the beginning of each week. Whilst at Salisbury Road, Mrs Organ will be in daily contact with us so any messages related to SEND you wish us to pass on can be done so via email or in person through either Julie at the front Reception desk or myself. The email address is the usual Mount Street one:
The timings for the school day and arrangements for drop off/ collection each day were sent out in last week’s letter, via email, a copy of which is on both the website and the Facebook page.
Wishing you a good Summer and we look forward to seeing you again in September.