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Primary and Nursery School

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Heatree 2021 - Day 3

And that's Wednesday over.  The children were woken at 7.30 this morning and there were a lot still asleep.  Breakfast was a quieter affair but all the children ate well.  

Two groups were raft building whilst the other two were tackling the high ropes.  The weather wasn't too bad this morning which made things a little easier.

After lunch, two groups were raft building whilst the other two were tackling the climbing tower and high ropes.  

Dinner this evening was sausage and chips followed by sticky toffee pudding with toffee sauce.

This evening, the rain was quite heavy when half the children went out on their night walk - the rest had a duvet/movie night.  I have to say the children were quite tired but they have all been absolutely amazing.

