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Mount Street

Primary and Nursery School

Learn, Enjoy, Achieve your Personal best

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Reception New Starter Information September 2024

My Movie 1 (1).mp4

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New Starter Powerpoint

Please find a copy of the Powerpoint that was shared, at the parents meeting in school.  If you were unable to make the meeting please could you take a look at the powerpoint, if you have any questions then please contact the school office on 01752 205091.


Many Thanks 


Mrs Travers

Please find below information for all children starting Mount Street Primary School, in our Reception Class, in September 2024.  We will keep this page updated with any changes that may need to be made.  Thank you for your patience and we look forward to welcoming you all soon.

Mount Street Primary School

and Nursery 

Information pack for School Starters

September 2024

Welcome to Mount Street Primary and Nursery School.

Please find enclosed, details about your child’s new journey at Mount Street Primary School.  Starting school is a big step in any child’s development and we would like to support you the best we can in this new chapter of your child’s life. 




Headteacher – Ms Shillaber

Early Years Foundation Stage Lead/Early Years SENCo – Mrs Travers

Reception Class Teacher – Miss Smith

Reception Class Teaching Assistant – Miss Selina



Important Forms

You may find several forms and information leaflets enclosed. These are all important and help provide you with the information you may need.

Please complete the following forms and return them as soon as possible.

S11 Form (children new to the school only)

School Meals form

For any other information such as term dates please check the school website                                                    


Important Dates


Induction Meeting:                          Wednesday 26th June 2024 at 1.30pm.


Stay and play session:                Monday 15th June 2024 at 1.30 – 2.30pm

                                           Tuesday 16th July 2024 at 10.15 – 11.15am


Home Visits:                        Week Beginning Monday 2nd September 2024


Starting School

All children will start school on a part-time basis.  This allows staff to get to know each child personally and for children to ease gently into school life.  Below are the planned start dates and times for your child:

Week Beginning:

Monday 2nd September – Parent and child home visits

Monday 9th September  – Mornings only – 8.35am – 11.30am

Monday 16th September - Mornings and lunch – 8.35am – 12.30pm

Monday 23rd September – All day – 8.35am – 3.15pm


The School Day

Reception class children come into school, via the Early Years gate located at the front of the school, onto the Early Years playground.  There will always be a member of staff, on the gate to greet you and your child in the morning. We encourage you to say goodbye to your child at their classroom door and allow the teacher to help settle them into the classroom.

8.35am – School Gates open (Please ensure your child arrives at school, on time every day)

11.40am – 12.30pm – Lunch time (School dinners and packed lunch)

3.15pm – End of school day (The gate will open at 3.10pm, please ensure you collect your child on time, if you have an older sibling we suggest that you collect your younger child first)


School Uniform

Your child will need to wear school uniform, this can be seen in the photo below:

Logo jumpers/cardigans and book bags are available from:
The Uniform Shop, Mayflower Street


Girls: Black skirt/pinafore or trousers, blue school shirt, navy blue cardigan or jumper and black school shoes.  A blue and white school check dress may be worn in the summer term.

Boys: Black trousers, blue school shirt, navy blue jumper and black school shoes.  Black shorts may be worn in the summer term.

Sensible school coat preferably waterproof and with a hood as the children go outside in all weathers.

We also ask that you provide your child with a pair of welly boots so that they can take part in Forest School activities.  Please could you ensure that your child has a pair of Welly Boots in school.  These need to be in a named bag and will stay in school at all times.

Please remember to label all of your child’s clothing so that they can be located easily if they get misplaced.

Your child will not need a PE kit at this time.

We do not have a lot of room in the cloakroom area so please do not send your child to school with a large bag. A book bag and a lunch bag (if required) will be sufficient.


Children must attend school every day during term time.  Holidays cannot be authorised however if your child is ill or unable to attend school please call the school office on 01752 205091 or email on and let us know before the start of the school day.


Your Child’s Learning Journey

We like to share, with you, what your child is doing in school.  We have an online communication app called Dojo.  We will use this to send you messages and may upload information or photographs of your children, whilst they are at school.  You are also able to message the teachers on Dojo, if you have any queries about your child’s learning, please be mindful that you may not get an immediate response and if it is urgent this still needs to be done though the school office on 01752 205091. We will send out a Dojo invite once your child has started school.  We also have ‘floor books’ which is a whole class learning journey, you are welcome to come and view this at any time.


Getting Ready

There are lots of things you can do to get your child ready for school.  Some of the things that we think are important include:

  • Let your child play

Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them.

  • Encouraging your child to be independent. 

Can they take themselves to the toilet?

Can they feed themselves using a knife and fork? 

Can they put on their own socks, shoes and coat?

  • Encourage your child to understand their own body.

Can they kick a ball?

Can they stand on one leg?

Can they hold a pencil?

Can they turn a page in a book?

Can they do up or undo a button on their shirt?

  • Encourage your child to socialise.

Can they play in small groups?

Do they share their toys?

Do they allow others to join in?

Can they listen to a simple instruction?

Can they talk about the things they like or don’t like?

  • Encourage your child to communicate

Can your child communicate or talk about what they can see?

Do they communicate how they feel?

Does your child ask questions about what they want to know?

Ask your child questions starting with ‘what’, ‘who’ or ‘why’.

These are only a few suggestions.  Remember talking about school and what they may experience will help your child to settle quickly.  Look at the photos on the website frequently and please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.





Come and see how we learn!

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