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Year 5

Year 5 @ Mount Street Primary 


Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 5!


Welcome to an exciting and busy year. We will be working together to discover, explore and enjoy lots of new topics throughout our lessons. Our new curriculum is being used fully this year so we have lots of exciting new areas to discover together.

Our priority will be to focus on daily reading to improve our fluency and understanding and daily TTRS practise to ensure our speed and recall of facts to help us in our new learning.


Class work: We will provide you with pencils, rulers, rubbers, colouring pencils and handwriting pens for those with a licence.  We ask that pencil cases are left at home as there is nowhere to store them safely in class.


Home learning: 

Reading – 10 minutes reading daily. We ask that an adult signs the reading diary and it is handed in at least once per week. This is a whole school focus this year!

Spellings: There will be weekly tests.

Times Tables:  TT Rock Stars daily.


Games and PE:

Children will need their PE kit in school all week however, PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Children MUST have P.E. kit to take part for health and safety reasons.  Children with long hair must have it tied back for PE lessons and stud earrings must be covered with tape that is brought from home or they will need to be removed.


Kit: Trainers, white shirt, blue/black shorts, black trainers or pumps.

In colder weather, a plain tracksuit may be worn outdoors for games.


Please ensure that all items of clothing are named. A small named bag containing your PE kit is all that is necessary as cloakroom space is limited.  Please keep your PE kit in school and we will ensure that it is sent home each half term for washing.


As ever, if you have any questions or queries, please do get in touch via Dojo or the school office.  We will always do our best to answer any questions as soon as possible.

Mrs Clement-Stallard and Mrs Gocher


In English this term, we will be developing our writing skills across a range of genres including, list poems, biographies and mystery fiction.  Complementing our creative writing will be grammar sessions looking at key tools, such as relative clauses, and expanded noun phrases.  We will develop our use of devices to build cohesion within a paragraph and consider ways that we can link ideas across paragraphs.  We will also continue to embed our use of brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis and the use of commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity.  We will recap key spellings from previous years and then focus on learning the Year 5/6 spelling words as well as different spelling patterns including prefixes and suffixes.


Whole class reading activities will be a part of each day. The texts we will look at will be topic based and include fiction, non-fiction and poetry. During these sessions we will further develop our fluency of reading through vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval, sequencing and summarising (VIPERS) skills.


ThThis term, we will start by developing our understanding of place value, ordering and comparing numbers up to 1,000,000.  We will further develop our understanding of formal addition and subtraction methods using place value counters and place value charts to support understanding of what happens when we exchange between columns as well as looking at mental methods of multiplication and division.  We will also be learning about area and perimeter and how to read and interpret graphs and tables.


This term we will learn about separating materials including soluble and insoluble substances, saturation and reversible and irreversible changes. Throughout the second half term we will be learning about energy in various forms such as energy stores in humans and fuels, food chains and energy in an electrical circuit.



This term we will be looking at illustration and narrative art by using the artists Satrapi and Tregonning as inspiration for our own work.




This term, we will be covering Kapow computing units and they will include programming BBC Micro:Bits, which we can use within our DT unit later in the term and Search Engines - exploring what a search engine is, learning how to use key words for effective searching and knowing that everything online is not always true.



After half term we will be learning about Interactive Displays which will include looking at sensors and programmable controls, using our Computing knowledge of BBC Micro:Bits to generate, make and test a prototype interactive display.



This term we will be following the iLanguages programme by developing our vocabulary around a range of subjects including instructions, opinions, sports, locations and weather.  We will listen to stories, learn phrases and rehearse speaking and writing in French.  Later in the term, we will learn about and compare traditions linked to the Christmas holidays.



For the first half term, we will be learning about Trade. We will explore natural resources distribution around the world, different employment sectors, grid referencing on maps, export and import, changes in trade over time and the importance of Fairtrade.



After half term, we will be finding out about Ancient Rome and Romans in Britain.  This will be a Year 5 slant recapping on previously learnt knowledge form Year 3.  We will recap who the Romans were and where they lived, rulers and beliefs alongside learning about the soldiers, forts and walls used, the leadership in Britannia and how the Romans kept control of Britain.



As well as singing and performing this term, we will be learning how to play the guitar.  Ms Price will begin guitar tuition using the school’s guitars.



This term, we will be practising and learning different jumps and leaps to create a sequence in Gymnastics and developing our invasion game skills through Tag Ruby. After half term we will be following the DDMIX dance scheme and learn how to hand jive and line dance and learning how to play Handball.



Following the Jigsaw programme, this term we will be looking at Being Me in My World through a variety of discussion tasks and activities including learning about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and how everyone has a right to learn. Later in the term we will be looking at Celebrating Differences through a variety of discussion tasks and activities including understanding how cultural differences can sometimes cause conflict.


Religion and Worldviews

This term we will be looking at how Hindu beliefs are expressed in artefacts and worship through our Social Science skills. During the second half term, we will be discover how sacred texts help Hindus understand Dharma.

Author Study


This term we will start with a fun short story about the Romans called Romans on the Rampage: Jail Break! by Jeremy Strong (we read the first book in Year 3). This will develop our love of reading. Then we will continue this love of reading by enjoying The Boy At the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf.

Useful Information


As so many of us are spending more and more time online, it is important that the children have a secure knowledge of how to be safe.  We will discuss various issues regarding this each week.  If your child or yourself have any questions linked to their online world, then please do not hesitate to get in touch or have a look at some of the links below.

Useful Links

Maths Calendar
